APIs and Institutional Services
For 25 years, The Fly has been the go-to breaking news source for investment pros and institutional traders.
APIs Available
API Description
Real-time financial market news Comprehensive company, market and industry news headlines which includes U.S. financial, economic, and company news.
Historical financial market news From 2002-present
  • Events - 12,000 entries per month. Encompasses industry conference calls, earnings calls, company events, analyst events, syndicate roadshows, conferences, and government events such as FDA action dates.
  • Syndicate - Initial public offerings, secondary, and block trade calendars. Captures deal size, price ranges, managers, pricing, and deal analysis.
  • Street Research - Analyst ratings and changes for U.S. listed companies. Includes rating, price targets, and commentary.
On The Fly Exclusive insights, interviews, and sector and daily news recaps.
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News and Street Research

Included in The Fly’s News API is Street Research. Averaging more than 300 stories a day, The Fly is the most comprehensive source of analyst commentary including upgrades, downgrades, initiations, price target changes, and individual stock research commentary. Our expert team provides relevant, real-time information regarding rating and price target changes with analyst names and an informed synopsis of the reports.

Fly APIs offer access initiated via HTTP port and header wrappers to bypass most firewalls, with stories sent in simple plain text as they are published. News content is broken down into tailored channels that can be customized to fit any need and varying budgets. Alerts include related metadata, including related ticker symbols, brokerage firm, analyst name, price targets, ratings changes, and more.

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The Fly Events feed can be accessed in a single normalized data stream transmitted via SFTP. The Fly publishes over 12,000 events each month, including the largest database of sell-side conferences, analyst meetings, investor conferences, industry conferences, shareholder meetings, IPO roadshows, company events, government meetings, M&A and general presentations. The events feed includes Company and Event Identification fields, Date and Time, Management, Sponsors, Location, Conference Call information, URL information, and Comments. Data access can be priced to include a 20-year archive of licensed content.

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Use cases
Trading Tools, Platforms and SoftwareWealth ManagementRobo-Advisors
Academic ResearchCompliance SystemsCustom Trading Strategies
Investor Relations ToolsRisk ManagementMarket Intelligence Tracking
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The most respected names in financial media trust The Fly as a source for up-to-the-second, market moving news, insights, and analysis, including:
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